Controlled Synthesis, Characterization and Magnetic Properties of Fe3O4 Nanocrystals
范淑红 湖南工业大学包装与印刷学院株洲 412008 
郭新春 井冈山大学化学化工学院吉安 343009 
刘跃军 湖南工业大学包装与印刷学院株洲 412008 
刘浩梅 湖南工业大学电气与信息工程学院株洲 412008 
颜爱国 湖南工业大学包装与印刷学院株洲 412008 
摘要: 采用醋酸铵作保护剂在200 ℃下制备了单分散的400 nm粒径的Fe3O4空心纳米球。通过改变实验条件,对产品的形貌、内部结构和粒径进行了调控合成,得到了粒径范围在100~200 nm的实心纳米球和片形结构的Fe3O4纳米材料。采用SEM、TEM和XRD等对样品进行了表征。结果表明,所得尖晶石型Fe3O4纳米晶粒径均匀,分散度好。利用振动样品磁场计检测了不同形貌样品的磁性能。结果显示,Fe3O4纳米空心球的饱和磁化强度和矫顽力均大于Fe3O4纳米片的对应值。
关键词: Fe3O4纳米晶  溶剂热法  简单调控合成  磁性能
Abstract: Monodispersed Fe3O4 hollow nanospheres of 400 nm were prepared by using NH4Ac as the protective agent at 200 ℃. Uniform Fe3O4 nanospheres and nanosheets with the size range from 100 nm to 200 nm were obtained by adjusting the experimental conditions. The morphology, inner-structure, and size of the products were characterized by SEM, TEM and XRD techniques. The results indicate that Fe3O4 nanocrystals were monodispersed. Magnetic studies on samples with different shapes reveal that both of the saturation magnetion (Ms) and the coercive force(Hc) of hollow-structured Fe3O4 nanospheres are larger than those of nanosheets.
Keywords: Fe3O4 nanocrystal  solvothermal  simple-controlled synthesis  Magnetic properties
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