二氮杂萘联苯类铱配合物的制备及其电致磷光性能 |
Synthesis and Electrophosphorescence of Ir(Ⅲ) Complex of 4-phenylphthalazine Derivative |
摘要: 电致磷光材料因其优异的电致发光性能,引起了科学界的广泛研究兴趣。本论文以含增加溶解性的位阻苯氧基团的二氮杂萘联苯衍生物为配体,通过与三氯化铱在温和及无催化剂存在的条件下一步反应以较高产率直接生成铱的三环配合物磷光体Ir(MPCPPZ)3,并对其结构、光物理性能、电致发光性能进行了研究。该磷光体易溶于二氯甲烷、氯苯等多种溶剂,适合旋涂法的电致发光器件制作。该磷光体的构型为热力学上稳定的面式构型,荧光量子产率在95%以上。光致发光的发射峰在590 nm左右。磷光体的HOMO能级为-5.15 eV,LUMO能级为-2.9 eV。磷光体表现了较高的热稳定性,起始分解温度为388 ℃。以配合物掺杂于PVK-CBP中做成电致发光器件后,电致发光光谱与光致发光光谱相比出现了红移,能完全表现为配合物的发光。在12%掺杂浓度时器件的效率最大,当亮度91 cd·m-2时,外量子效率为20.2%,这是目前旋涂器件的最好结果。该器件的最大亮度5870 cd·m-2,功率效率5.7 lm·W-1。当电流密度达到100 mA·cm-2时,外量子效率为6.6%。 |
关键词: 电致磷光 铱(Ⅲ)配合物 二氮杂萘联苯 |
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Abstract: Electrophosphorescent materials have attracted great attention because of the potential application of these compounds as highly efficient electroluminescent emitters. The manuscript described the design and synthesis of a new Ir-complex featuring phenylphthalazine. Its photophysical properties and electroluminescent properties were intensively investigated. In our experiment, the sterically hindered phenolic groups were introduced into Ir(Ⅲ) complex to improve its solubility and the new Ir(Ⅲ) complex was unexpectedly synthesized using IrCl3·3H2O as starting material in the absence of any catalysts. Its value of absolute photophosphorescence quantum efficiency is in excess of 95.3%, and its facial geometry around the Ir center was confirmed by a single-crystal X-ray analysis. The HOMO energy level is -5.15 eV and LUMO is -2.9 eV. The complex shows excellent thermal stability, with its onset decomposition temperatures (Td) greater than 388 ℃. With the device structure of ITO/PEDOT/PVK∶CBP∶Ir(MPCPPZ)3 (12wt%) /TPBI/Ba/Al, the organic light-emitting device(OLED) based on the new Ir(III) complex exhibits a peak electrophosphorescence wavelength of 597 nm along with a shoulder around 635 nm. Its maximum external quantum efficiency is 20.2% and the maximum luminance efficiency is 18.4 Cd·A-1. The turn-on voltage is 8 V with the Commission Internationale de L′Eclairage (CIE) coordinates of (0.62, 0.36). |
Keywords: electrophosphorescence iridium(Ⅲ) complex 4-phenylphthalazine |
摘要点击次数: 1595 |
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梅群波,张千峰,童碧海.二氮杂萘联苯类铱配合物的制备及其电致磷光性能[J].无机化学学报,2009,25(2):264-270. |
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