Effect of A-site Substitution on Sintering and Dielectric Properties of (Ca0.61Nd0.26)TiO3 Ceramics
张启龙 浙江大学材料与化学工程学院杭州 310027 
孙慧萍 浙江大学材料与化学工程学院杭州 310027 
杨 辉 浙江大学材料与化学工程学院杭州 310027 
吴 飞 浙江大学材料与化学工程学院杭州 310027 
摘要: 采用常规固相反应法,以(Ca0.61Nd0.26)TiO3体系为基体成分,研究了A位取代对(Ca0.61Nd0.26)TiO3陶瓷的烧结特性和介电性能的影响规律。结果表明:Zn,Mg的A位取代,促使(Ca0.61Nd0.26)TiO3陶瓷烧结温度从1 350 ℃降至1 250 ℃。Zn,Mg在一定范围内A位取代(Ca0.61Nd0.26)TiO3中的Ca可形成钙钛矿结构的固溶体,Zn、Mg最大固溶度(x(Zn),y(Mg))分别不超过0.1和0.15 mol。当取代量超过固溶度后,分别形成Ca2Zn4Ti15O36和MgTi2O5第二相。随Zn和Mg取代量的增加,陶瓷介电常数(εr)和谐振频率温度系数(τf)减小。陶瓷品质因数(Qf)值随Zn取代量先增后减,而随Mg取代量增加,其Qf值一直增大。Zn,Mg最佳取代分别为x(Zn)=0.15和y(Mg)=0.25,在1 250 ℃烧结2 h,[(Ca0.85Zn0.15)0.61Nd0.26]TiO3的介电性能:εr=93.60,Qf=12 454 GHz,τf=+150.3 ppm·℃-1,[(Ca0.75Mg0.25)0.61Nd0.26]TiO3的介电性能:εr=72.48,Qf=14 622 GHz,τf=+108 ppm·℃-1
关键词: 无机非金属材料  钙钛矿结构  A位掺杂  介电性能  稀土
Abstract: (Ca0.61Nd0.26)TiO3 ceramics were prepared by conventional solid oxide process method. The effect of A-site substitution on sintering and dielectric properties of(Ca0.61Nd0.26)TiO3 ceramics were investigated. The results show that the A-site substitution of Zn or Mg lowers the densification temperature of(Ca0.61Nd0.26)TiO3 ceramics from 1 350 ℃ to about 1 250 ℃. Perovskite solid structure could be formed by appropriate substitution of Zn or Mg for Ca in(Ca0.61Nd0.26)TiO3 ceramics, and the soluble limitation of Zn2+ and Mg2+(x(Zn),y(Mg)) are 0.10 mol and 0.15 mol, respectively. As the Zn2+ or Mg2+ substitution content exceeds to the soluble limitation, the second phase of Ca2Zn4Ti15O36 or MgTi2O5 is formed. With the increase of Zn2+ or Mg2+ substitution content, the dielectric constant(εr) and the temperature coefficient of resonant frequency(τf) decrease. The quality factor(Qf) firstly increases and then decreases with the increase of Zn2+ substitution, but the Qf value solely increases with the increase of Mg2+ substitution. The dielectric properties(εr, Qf, τf) of [(Ca0.85Zn0.15)0.61Nd0.26]TiO3 ceramics sintered at 1 250 ℃ are 93.6, 12 454 GHz, +150.3 ppm·℃-1, respectively. And those are 72.48, 14 622 GHz, +108 ppm·℃-1, respectively, for [(Ca0.75Mg0.25)0.61Nd0.26]TiO3 ceramics sintered at 1 250 ℃.
Keywords: inorganic non-metal materials  perovskite structure  A-site substitution  dielectric properties  rare earths
摘要点击次数:  1271
全文下载次数:  2018
张启龙,孙慧萍,杨 辉,吴 飞.A位取代对(Ca0.61Nd0.26)TiO3陶瓷烧结特性和介电性能的影响[J].无机化学学报,2009,25(1):70-75.
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