层状有机膦酸铜配合物Cu(O3PC6H4COOH)(英文) |
Copper Phosphonate Complex Cu(O3PC6H4COOH) Showing a New Type of Layered Structure |
摘要: 本文报道了一个新的有机膦酸铜化合物:Cu(O3PC6H4COOH) (1)。该化合物具有新型层状结构,由扭曲平面结构的{CuO4}共边形成的二核单元通过{CPO3}四面体连接起来,形成一个含有4-,8-,和14-元环的无机层。苯甲酸基团通过中等强度的氢键连接起来,并填充在层与层之间。磁性表征显示铜离子之间存在反铁磁性相互作用。化合物1的晶体属单斜晶系,C2/c空间群。 |
关键词: 铜 有机膦酸 层状结构 磁性 |
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Abstract: A new copper phosphonate complex Cu(O3PC6H4COOH) (1) is reported in this paper. It shows a novel type of layered structure, where dimers of distorted {CuO4} planes are connected by {CPO3} tetrahedra, forming an inorganic layer containing 4-, 8- and 14-member rings. The phenylcarboxylate groups fill in the interlayer spaces with moderate strong hydrogen bond interactions. Magnetic analysis shows antiferromagnetic interaction between Cu(Ⅱ) ions. Crystallographic data for 1: monoclinic, space group C2/c, a=3.813 5(7) nm, b=0.811 85(14) nm, c=0.522 49(9) nm, β=92.816(4)°, V=1.615 7(5) nm3, Z=8. CCDC: 703675. |
Keywords: copper phosphonate layered structure magnetic property |
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李锦堂,杨廷海,李一志,郑丽敏.层状有机膦酸铜配合物Cu(O3PC6H4COOH)(英文)[J].无机化学学报,2008,24(11):1885-1889. |
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