纳米CdS/PAMAM G5.0显现胶带粘面油潜指纹应用 |
Nano Meter CdS/PAMAM G5.0 for Developing Oil Latent Fingerprints on Adhesive Side of Common Tapes |
摘要: 利用傅立叶红外光谱检测了聚酰胺-胺(PAMAM)G5.0显现液与油酸反应机理,以相对峰高比来观察不同反应条件下的反应情况,确定在120 ℃下反应2~3 h较好。以这种复合纳米材料为显现液,对犯罪现场3种常见胶带粘面上的油潜指纹进行显现,透明胶带上油潜指纹在420 nm下拍照,黑色电工胶带上油潜指纹在365 nm下拍照可得到很好的图像效果。将该显现材料的显现效果与现在常用罗丹明6G显现液的显现效果进行横向比较,以考察CdS/PAMAM G5.0在显现胶带粘面上油潜指纹方面起到的作用。CdS/PAMAM G5.0显现法同现有方法相比,对于常见胶带粘面上的油潜指纹具有理想的显现效果,其荧光强度、选择性吸附性能非常优异;长时间浸显后背景吸附小,与指纹纹线的反差大;指纹纹线流畅,显现细节特征能力强,其中对陈旧油潜指纹也有比较理想的显现效果;可以通过室光反射和紫外可见荧光两种形式成像,适用范围更广。一系列实验证明,CdS/PAMAM G5.0可以有效显出常见胶带粘面上的油潜指纹。 |
关键词: 潜指纹显现 纳米CdS/PAMAM G5.0溶液 荧光 |
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Abstract: Amidation reaction between PAMAM and oleic acid was explored by FTIR spectroscopy. The reacting processes under different conditions were monitored by the relative ratio of peak height. The reaction was efficient at 120 ℃ within 2~3 h. The oil latent fingerprints on the adhesive side of three different type tapes were developed by CdS/PAMAM G5.0. Good image can be obtained under irradiation of 420 nm for transparent tape, and under irradiation of 365 nm for black electric tape. Compared with the effect of ordinary intensifier Rhodamine6G usually used in practice, the effect of CdS/PAMAM G5.0 is better. It has excellent performance in such aspect as fluorescence intensity, selective adsorption and less background staining after long time developing process. The fingerprint ridge is clear and legible to show the detailed characteristics. This developer also has quite satisfactory effect on old oil latent fingerprints. Two types of imaging modes could be used. It can be concluded that CdS/PAMAM G5.0 is an effective developer of oil latent fingerprints on the adhesive side of tapes. |
Keywords: latent fingerprint development CdS/PAMAM dendrimer nanocomposite fluorescence |
摘要点击次数: 1215 |
全文下载次数: 2739 |
杨瑞琴,周庆颖,王元凤,靳玉娟.纳米CdS/PAMAM G5.0显现胶带粘面油潜指纹应用[J].无机化学学报,2008,24(11):1874-1879. |
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