Solvothermal Synthesis and Fluorescence of KMgF3∶Ce3+,Eu2+
朱国贤 长春理工大学理学院长春 130022
湛江师范学院化学科学与技术学院湛江 524048
中国科学院稀土化学与物理重点实验室长春 130022 
连洪州 中国科学院稀土化学与物理重点实验室长春 130022 
李永大 长春理工大学理学院长春 130022 
王兴权 长春理工大学理学院长春 130022 
石春山 中国科学院稀土化学与物理重点实验室长春 130022 
摘要: 采用溶剂热法合成了Eu2+,Ce3+单掺和双掺KMgF3。分析了样品的结构与形貌。结果表明,所合成的样品均为单相,颗粒粒度分布集中。测定了它们的激发和发射光谱,结果显示:在单掺Eu2+的KMgF3中,没有观察到位于420 nm附近由微量氧色心引起的宽带发射,只发现峰值位于360 nm附近的锐峰线发射,说明溶剂热合成的KMgF3∶Eu中氧含量极低;在KMgF3双掺体系中由于Eu2+和Ce3+竞争吸收激发能,Eu2+把能量传递给Ce3+,存在Eu2+→Ce3+能量传递过程,观察到Ce3+的较强的发射带和Eu2+的较弱的线发射,并讨论了能量传递机理。
关键词: 溶剂热  稀土离子  KMgF3  光谱  能量传递
Abstract: Phosphors of KMgF3 single-doped and co-doped with Ce3+ and/or Eu2+ were synthesized respectively through solvothermal method at 180 ℃ and characterized by means of X-ray powder diffraction(XRD) and environment scanning electron microscopy(ESEM). The excitation and emission spectra of the rare earth ions doped KMgF3 through solvothermal process was also studied. In the KMgF3∶Eu2+ sample, there was only one sharp line emission located at 360 nm arising from f-f(6P7/2→8S7/2) transition of Eu2+ in the host lattice and the broad bands appearing at 420 nm arising from Eu2+←O could not be observed. The results showed that the oxygen content was low. In the system of KMgF3 co-doped with Ce3+ and Eu2+, the strong emission band of the Ce3+ could be observed due to the competitive absorption of the exciting energy between the Eu2+ and Ce3+, while the emission peak of the Eu2+ could only be observed due to energy transfer from Ce3+ to Eu2+ appearing in the KMgF3∶Eu2+,Ce3+ polycrystalline powder prepared by solid state reaction at a high temperature. In addition, the mechanism of energy transfer was discussed.
Keywords: solvothermal synthesis  rare earth ion  KMgF3  photoluminescence  energy transfer
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