A Terbium Complex Tb(PMIP)3(PhCA): Synthesis and Anion Recognition Properties
张灯青 东华大学化学化工与生物工程学院上海 201620 
赵圣印 东华大学化学化工与生物工程学院上海 201620 
刘海雄 东华大学化学化工与生物工程学院上海 201620 
摘要: 本文设计合成了稀土铽配合物Tb(PMIP)3(PhCA)作为阴离子试剂,利用荧光光谱考察了其与F-、Cl-、Br-、I-、ClO4-、NO3-、AcO-和H2PO4-等阴离子的作用。研究结果表明:不同阴离子的加入能够调控Tb(PMIP)3(PhCA)的发光行为,当一定量的氟离子(醋酸根离子、磷酸二氢根离子)加入到Tb(PMIP)3(PhCA)的乙腈溶液中后,荧光发射增强;过量的氟离子(醋酸根离子、磷酸二氢根离子)加入后则使其荧光淬灭。而在乙腈和水混合溶液中,Tb(PMIP)3(PhCA)则能选择性识别氟离子和磷酸二氢根离子。
关键词: 荧光调控  氟离子  磷酸二氢根离子  铽配合物
Abstract: A terbium complex Tb(PMIP)3(PhCA) was synthesized and characterized. The recognition behavior of the complex toward various anions has been evaluated. Detailed emission spectral study reveals that the luminescent properties of the receptor depend on the anions added into the solution. When appropariate equivalents of fluoride (acetate or dihydrogen phosphate) anions were added into the CH3CN solution of Tb(PMIP)3(PhCA), a fluorescence enhancement of the terbium complex was observed. After excessive equivalents of fluoride (acetate or dihydrogen phosphate) anions were added, the fluorescence quenching of the system was resulted. However, in the semi-aqueous solution, the terbium complex shows a remarkable selectivity of fluoride and dihydrogen phosphate anions over other anions.
Keywords: luminescence modulation  fluoride anion  dihydrogen phosphate  terbium complex
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