Dense Diffusion Barrier Limiting Current Hydrogen Sensor
郭红霞 河北理工大学化工与生物技术学院唐山 063009 
吕敬德 河北理工大学化工与生物技术学院唐山 063009
唐山中润煤化工有限公司唐山 063611 
王 岭 河北理工大学化工与生物技术学院唐山 063009 
唐晓微 河北理工大学化工与生物技术学院唐山 063009 
摘要: 使用BaCe0.9Y0.1O3-δ作为固体电解质,SrCe0.95Tm0.05O3-δ为致密扩散障碍层,制备了新型致密扩散障碍层极限电流型氢传感器。采用X射线衍射仪、扫描电子显微镜表征了氢传感器上下两层材料的物相和微观结构,应用IM6e型电化学工作站测试了其氢敏性能。结果表明,1 550 ℃烧结10 h可以获得单相致密的钙钛矿结构BaCe0.9Y0.1O3-δ和SrCe0.95Tm0.05O3-δ。氢传感器在600~800 ℃,氢浓度小于17 700 μL·L-1时,具有良好的极限电流平台,极限电流与氢浓度成线性关系。传感器的灵敏度随测试温度的升高而增大,800 ℃时其灵敏度达1.30 μA·(μL·L-1)-1
关键词: 氢传感器  极限电流  质子导体  混合导体
Abstract: A dense diffusion barrier limiting current hydrogen sensor was developed, with BaCe0.9Y0.1O3-δ as proton conduction solid electrolyte and SrCe0.95Tm0.05O3-δ as dense diffusion barrier. The crystalline phase and microstru-ctures of above-below two layers for hydrogen sensor were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Hydrogen sensing properties of the sensor were investigated by IM6e electrochemical workstation. The results indicate that pure and dense perovskite BaCe0.9Y0.1O3-δ and SrCe0.95Tm0.05O3-δ are obtained at sintering temperature of 1 550 ℃ for 10 h. Nearly flat limiting currents for hydrogen sensor are observed at a hydrogen concentration less than 17 700 μL·L-1 at testing temperature from 600 ℃ to 800 ℃. There is an excellent linear relationship between hydrogen concentration and limiting current. The sensitivity to hydrogen increases with temperature and it is 1.30 μA·(μL·L-1)-1 at 800 ℃.
Keywords: hydrogen sensor  limiting current  proton conductor  mixed conductor
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郭红霞,吕敬德,王 岭,唐晓微.致密扩散障碍层极限电流型氢传感器[J].无机化学学报,2008,24(10):1631-1635.
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