Synthesis and Characterization and Photoelectric Property of Fullerene Complex C60Pt(BINAP)
覃世辉 厦门大学化学化工学院厦门 361005
广西河池学院化学与生命科学系宜州 546300 
吴振奕 厦门大学化学化工学院厦门 361005 
杨绳岩 厦门大学化学化工学院厦门 361005 
詹梦熊 厦门大学化学化工学院厦门 361005 
摘要: 本文利用配体取代法合成了C60Pt(BINAP)新型富勒烯膦金属配合物,采用质谱、元素分析、紫外-可见吸收光谱、红外吸收光谱、光电子能谱等对该产物进行了表征,并测定了其在光化学电池中的光伏效应。光伏效应测试结果表明:在BQ/H2Q与I2/I3-介质溶液中镀层厚度为1~2 μm时,具有较好的光电转换性能,光生电压值最高达358 mV。
关键词: 富勒烯  联萘二苯膦  金属配合物  光伏效应
Abstract: A fullerene-phosphine metal complex, C60Pt(BINAP), was synthesized by ligand substitution method. The product was characterized by MS, elemental analysis, UV-Vis, IR and XPS. The photovoltaic performances of the complex was determined in the photochemistry cell. The results showed that the fullerene-phosphine metal complex exhibited high photoelectric conversion property, especially under the conditions of BQ/H2Q and I3-/I- redox couples, and 1~2 μm of thickness of the film, the maximum value of photovoltage was 358 mV.
Keywords: fullerene  BINAP  matel complexes  photoelectric effection
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