Preparation and Magnetic Properties of One-dimensional Porous Fe-B Alloy Nanostructures
韩玉翠 南京师范大学化学与环境科学学院南京 210097 
吴 勇 南京师范大学化学与环境科学学院南京 210097 
刘方先 南京师范大学化学与环境科学学院南京 210097 
包建春 南京师范大学化学与环境科学学院南京 210097 
摘要: 在十六烷基三甲基溴化铵(CTAB)的水溶液中,用NaBH4还原FeCl3,在反应过程中施加外部磁场,制得了一维多孔Fe-B合金纳米结构。研究表明,外部磁场对一维纳米结构的形成有重要影响,当不加外部磁场时得到的是离散的球形纳米粒子;外部磁场还影响Fe-B纳米粒子的晶体结构:外部磁场存在下得到的是无定形Fe-B合金,而不加外部磁场时则得到多晶Fe-B合金。CTAB对多孔的形成起到关键的作用,当不加CTAB时得到了实心球状纳米粒子。初步讨论了这种一维孔状Fe-B合金纳米结构的形成机理。用XRD、ICP-AES、TEM对样品进行了表征,测定了它们的磁性质。结果表明,在施加不同磁场强度条件下制得的样品具有不同的饱和磁化强度和矫顽力。
关键词: 第三主族元素合金  第八族元素合金  纳米结构  磁性质
Abstract: One-dimensional(1D) porous Fe-B alloy nanostructures were prepared via reduction of FeCl3 with sodium tetrahydroboride in cetyltrimethylammonium bromide(CTAB) aqueous solutions under an external magnetic field. The results indicate that the external magnetic field has a significant influence on the formation of the 1D Fe-B nanostructures, only discrete nanospheres are formed in the absence of the magnetic field. Furthermore, the magnetic field has also an effect on the crystal structure of the formed Fe-B nanostructures, i.e., amorphous Fe-B alloy is obtained in the presence of the magnetic field while the polycrystal Fe-B alloy forms in the absence of the magnetic field. CTAB plays an important role in the formation of the porous nanostructure. The nanostructures were characterized by XRD, inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrum (ICP-AES) and TEM. The results from the magnetic measurements reveal that the samples prepared under under different external magnetic fields have different saturation magnetization and coercivity. A possible mechanism is suggested for the formation of the 1D porous Fe-B alloy nanostructures.
Keywords: group ⅢA element alloys  group Ⅷ element alloys  nanostructure  magnetic properties
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韩玉翠,吴 勇,刘方先,包建春.一维多孔Fe-B合金纳米结构的制备及其磁性质[J].无机化学学报,2008,24(9):1494-1499.
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