四方柱γ-MnOOH纳米棒的合成和表征(英文) |
Synthesis and Characterization of γ-MnOOH Nanorods with Tetragonal Prism Cross Section |
摘要: 采用水热法,以十六烷基三甲基溴化铵(CTAB)为表面活性剂,在160 ℃的条件下,用乙醇还原KMnO4合成了四方柱γ-MnOOH纳米棒。粉末XRD衍射表明合成的材料为单斜的γ-MnOOH晶体结构,扫描电镜观察到四方柱纳米棒的直径为几十纳米,长度几微米;纳米棒的形貌随CTAB用量增加趋于均一。催化活性测试表明γ-MnOOH纳米棒在120 ℃的低温下可以将甲醛完全氧化为CO2和H2O。 |
关键词: γ-MnOOH纳米棒 水热法 甲醛氧化 CTAB |
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Abstract: The γ-MnOOH nanorods with tetragonal prism cross section were synthesized by the hydrothermal route at 160 ℃ through reacting KMnO4 with ethanol in the presence of different amounts of cationic surfactant cetyltrimethylammonium bromide(CTAB). The powder X-ray diffraction results reveal that the materials are γ-MnOOH with the monoclinic crystal structure. The SEM observations show that the diameters of the nanorods are several tens of nanometers and lengths of several micrometers, and that the shapes of the tetragonal prism cross section nanorods become more uniform with increasing amounts of CTAB. The catalytic activity of the γ-MnOOH material towards formaldehyde oxidation shows that complete conversion of formaldehyde to CO2 and H2O can be achieved at a temperature as low as 120 ℃. |
Keywords: γ-MnOOH nanorod hydrothermal method formaldehyde oxidation CTAB |
摘要点击次数: 1453 |
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唐幸福,李俊华,陈景欢,王仁虎,郝吉明.四方柱γ-MnOOH纳米棒的合成和表征(英文)[J].无机化学学报,2008,24(9):1468-1473. |
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