Template Synthesis of Mesoporous Alumina Powder and Eu3+ Assembly
杨 泠 暨南大学化学系广州 510632 
黄亚林 暨南大学化学系广州 510632 
容建华 暨南大学材料科学与工程系广州 510632 
刘应亮 暨南大学化学系广州 510632 
摘要: 通过溶胶-凝胶法,以三嵌段共聚物F-127为模板制备有序介孔氧化铝(P-Al2O3)粉末,用热失重分析、X射线粉末衍射(XRD)、低角X射线粉末衍射(LAXRD)和比表面测量仪进行物相分析与孔径分析,利用高倍透射电子显微镜(HRTEM)表征介孔材料的形貌。研究表明,40 ℃下制备的介孔氧化铝经过高温除模板后,孔径大小分布较集中,有序性好。进一步通过水热反应法,获得了Eu3+的P-Al2O3组装体。研究了组装体系的光谱特性,并观察到介孔氧化铝基质与客体离子Eu3+之间产生的能量传递现象。
关键词: 模板法  介孔  能量传递  溶胶-凝胶法
Abstract: One-dimensional mesoporous aluminum oxide powder was prepared by sol-gel process with co-assemebly of Pluronic F-127 as the template and characterized by XRD, TEM, Low angle x-ray diffraction(LAXRD), HRTEM and low temperature nitrogen adsorption-desorption. Eu3+ ion was introduced into the voids of mesoporous aluminum oxide powder by hydrothermal reaction, and the spectra of P-Al2O3∶Eu3+ was discussed. Under 254 nm light excitation, the characteristic red emission peaks of Eu3+ ions were observed. The peak at 614 nm is due to the 5D07F2 electric dipole transition of Eu3+, and its intensity is extremely stronger than that of the 5D07F1 transition, indicating that the Eu3+ ions located in the host lattice have lower symmetry. The energy transfer of Al2O3 to Eu3+ in mesoporous Al2O3 was observed.
Keywords: template synthesis  mesophases mesoporosity  energy transfer  sol-gel method
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杨 泠,黄亚林,容建华,刘应亮.模板法制备介孔氧化铝及Eu3+离子组装[J].无机化学学报,2008,24(9):1412-1416.
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