氮掺杂的三层碳纳米管的制备 |
Preparation of Nitrogen-Doped Triple-Walled Carbon Nanotubes |
摘要: 利用气相扩散法将酞菁铁分子填充入双层碳纳米管的内部空腔中,通过高温加热使酞菁铁裂解,制备了氮掺杂的三层碳纳米管。高分辨透射电子显微镜观测表明,由酞菁铁生成的内层管的缺陷较多,管壁不平直,并且有竹节状结构,这可能是由于氮原子引起的。在电子束照射下,内层管的稳定性较差。通过与酞菁铁在宏观基底上的裂解作比较,探讨了三层碳纳米管的生成机理。 |
关键词: 双层碳纳米管; 三层碳纳米管; 酞菁铁; 氮 限域 |
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Abstract: Nitrogen-doped triple-walled carbon nanotubes(TWNTs) were prepared by encapsulation and pyrolysis of iron(Ⅱ) phthalocyanine in the interior space of double-walled carbon nanotubes(DWNTs). The newly formed innermost wall of TWNTs are corrugated, have more defects and are less stable under electron irradiation than the original DWNTs. These structural characteristics are probably related to the nitrogen atoms in the innermost wall of TWNTs. The growth mechanism of TWNTs is discussed based on the experimental results and the previous reports of pyrolysis of iron(Ⅱ) phthalocyanine on substrates. |
Keywords: DWNTs TWNTs iron phthalocyanine nitrogen confinement |
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王志永,赵可可,施祖进,顾镇南,金朝霞.氮掺杂的三层碳纳米管的制备[J].无机化学学报,2008,24(8):1237-1241. |
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