Ultrafine CeO2: Microwave-Assisted Heating Prepartion and Ploshing Properties
郝仕油 浙江省固体表面反应化学重点实验室浙江师范大学化学系金华 321004 
关键词: 超细CeO2  抛光; 微波辅助加热
Abstract: Ultrafine CeO2 were prepared by microwave-assisted heating process and high temperature calcination. The precursor(Ce2(CO3)3) was analyzed by TG-DSC, which revealed that the product was CeO2. The product was characterized by XRD, Laser Raman spectrum , field-emission scanning electron micrograph(FE-SEM), Atomic Force Micrograph(AFM), respectively. The results of XRD and Raman spectroscopy characterization show that the product has the cubic fluorite-like structure. FE-SEM exhibits that the grain size distribution of product prepared by high temperature calcination is wide and that the particle of product synthesized by microwave-assisted heating process is symmetrical. Optical glass was polished by CeO2 prepared by microwave-assisted heating and high temperature calcination respectively. AFM micrograph proves that the polishing effect of CeO2 prepared by microwave-assisted heating is better than that of CeO2 synthesized by high temperature calcination.
Keywords: Ultrafine CeO2  polishing  microwave-assisted heating
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