Nanocrystalline BiVO4:Preparation by Microwave Irradiation and Photocatalytic Properties
刘晶冰 北京工业大学材料学院北京 100124 
张慧明 北京工业大学材料学院北京 100124 
汪 浩 北京工业大学材料学院北京 100124 
张文熊 北京工业大学材料学院北京 100124 
摘要: 采用微波辅助加热法以NaVO3溶液和Bi(NO3)3·5H2O的硝酸溶液为反应物,在10~40 min内合成了纳米钒酸铋粉末。利用XRD、FTIR、TEM、UV-Vis等手段研究了反应时间对产物结构及形貌的影响。经测定反应10 min时,得到纯的四方相BiVO4,随着反应时间的延长,逐渐出现单斜相的衍射峰,当反应40 min时,获得纯的单斜相BiVO4。同时XRD和IR结果证明了相转变的过程。TEM分析表明不同的反应时间条件下样品呈现不同的形貌。不同反应时间下获得样品的光催化性能的结果表明,微波反应时间对BiVO4结构的转变及光催化性能的改变起到了重要的作用。
关键词: 钒酸铋  微波  光催化
Abstract: Nanocrystalline BiVO4 powders were prepared from aqueous Bi(NO3)3 and NaVO3 solution by a rapid microwave-assisted method with accurate controlled of microwave irradiation time. The properties of the synthesized BiVO4 powders were investigated by XRD, FTIR, TEM and UV-Vis. When heating 10 min by microwave, pure tetragonal BiVO4 can be obtained. The highly crystalline phases converted irreversibly from tetragonal to monoclinic BiVO4 with prolonged irradiation time. When heating above 40 min by microwave, pure monoclinic BiVO4 can be obtained. X-ray diffraction and FTIR measurements proved the phase transition of BiVO4. These variations in phase structures result in different photocatalytic properties under visible light.
Keywords: BiVO4  microwave  photocatalytic
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刘晶冰,张慧明,汪 浩,张文熊.纳米钒酸铋的微波快速合成及光催化性能研究[J].无机化学学报,2008,24(5):777-780.
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