Synthesis of Nanocrystalline Y2O2S∶Eu3+, Mg, Ti Long-lasting Phosphorescent Materials by Hydrothermal-Microwave Method
李文宇 暨南大学化学系纳米化学研究所广州 510632 
刘应亮 暨南大学化学系纳米化学研究所广州 510632 
艾鹏飞 暨南大学化学系纳米化学研究所广州 510632 
摘要: 采用新型水热-微波法合成了纳米晶长余辉发光材料Y2O2S∶Eu3+,Mg,Ti。通过XRD、TEM、荧光光谱对其进行表征。X射线衍射测试表明所制备的Y2O2S∶Eu3+,Mg,Ti纳米发光材料为单相,六方晶。透射电子显微镜(TEM)测试表明所制备的Y2O2S∶Eu3+,Mg,Ti纳米发光材料粒径小,分布集中。激发和发射光谱测试表明Eu3+离子能有效地掺入硫氧化钇基质中,并具有良好的发光性能。余辉光谱测试表明其余辉颜色为红色,具有良好的余辉效果。
关键词: 水热-微波合成  硫氧化钇  纳米晶  长余辉发光
Abstract: Long-lasting phosphorescent materials, nanocrystals Y2O2S∶Eu3+,Mg,Ti, were prepared by hydrothermal-microwave method. The results of XRD indicated that the nanocrystals Y2O2S∶Eu3+,Mg,Ti possessed pure phase, hexagonal crystal structure. The results of TEM revealed that the single phase Y2O2S∶Eu3+,Mg,Ti had small size with narrow distribution. Excitation and Emission spectra showed that Eu3+ could be incorporated into yttrium oxysulfides effectively, and had good luminescent properties. The afterglow spectrum indicated that nanocrystals Y2O2S∶Eu3+,Mg,Ti had red afterglow color and good afterglow effect.
Keywords: hydrothermal-microwave synthesize  yttrium oxysulfides  nanocrystalline  long-lasting phosphorescence
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