质子导体BaCe0.4Zr0.4M0.2O3-δ (M=In,Y,Gd,Sm)化学稳定性及电性能 |
Chemical Stability and Electrical Properties of Proton Conductors BaCe0.4Zr0.4M0.2O3-δ(M=In, Y, Gd, Sm) |
摘要: 采用高温固相法制备了不同阳离子掺杂的BaCe0.4Zr0.4M0.2O3-δ (M=In,Y,Gd,Sm)系列质子导体。运用X射线衍射仪、扫描电子显微镜分别对四类质子导体的物相结构、微观形貌进行了表征,应用IM6e型电化学工作站测定了其不同温度下的阻抗谱,并对样品在CO2和沸水中的稳定性进行了研究。结果表明:除Sm3+掺杂的质子导体有少量的杂质相Sm2O3外,其他3种均为单相立方晶钙钛矿结构;对CO2和沸水皆表现良好的化学稳定性;Y3+掺杂的质子导体具有高的电导率,800 ℃约为2.07×10-2 S·cm-1,空气气氛电导活化能为72.34 kJ·mol-1。 |
关键词: BaCeO3 BaZrO3 化学稳定性 电导率 |
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Abstract: Proton conductors BaCe0.4Zr0.4M0.2O3-δ (M=In, Y, Gd, Sm) were successfully synthesized by the conventi-onal solid state reaction route. The crystalline phase and microstructures of the four proton conductors were investigated by XRD and SEM. The AC impedance spectra of the proton conductors were measured by IM6e electrochemical workstation at different temperatures. Chemical stability against CO2 and boiling water was tested. The results indicate that traces of Sm2O3 are found in Sm-doped sample because of the solubility limit. The other three proton conductors show single phase perovskite cubic structure. They are relatively stable in CO2 and boiling water atmospheres. Y-doped proton conductor has the highest electrical conductivity among the four proton conductors. The total conductivity of BaCe0.4Zr0.4M0.2O3-δ at 800 ℃ is about 2.07×10-2 S·cm-1. The activity energy is 72.34 kJ·mol-1. |
Keywords: BaCeO3 BaZrO3 chemical stability electrical conductivity |
摘要点击次数: 1602 |
全文下载次数: 2023 |
吕敬德,王 岭,赵艳琴,戴 磊,郭红霞,郭强强,陈学钊,郝静然.质子导体BaCe0.4Zr0.4M0.2O3-δ (M=In,Y,Gd,Sm)化学稳定性及电性能[J].无机化学学报,2008,24(5):696-700. |
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