MnO2 /聚苯胺复合材料的制备和性能
Preparation and Properties of MnO2 /polyaniline Composite
张启卫 三明学院化学与生物工程系三明 365004 
彭小红 三明学院化学与生物工程系三明 365004 
黄行康 厦门大学化学系厦门 361005 
肖旺钏 三明学院化学与生物工程系三明 365004 
王仁章 三明学院化学与生物工程系三明 365004 
杨勇 厦门大学化学系厦门 361005 
摘要: 以δ-MnO2为前驱体,通过酸处理后引入苯胺并聚合,得到了MnO2 /聚苯胺复合材料。经XRD分析表明,在本研究条件下,经酸处理后的δ-MnO2晶型由δ型转变为α型,而在随后的苯胺引入及其聚合步骤中MnO2晶型均不再改变。以200 mA·g-1的电流进行恒电流充放电性能测试,结果显示,MnO2 /聚苯胺复合材料的充放电容量达到160.2 mA·g-1,与
关键词: MnO2  聚苯胺  复合材料  制备  电化学性能
Abstract: MnO2 /polyaniline composite was prepared by polymerization of aniline in α-MnO2 from the acid-treating precursor of δ-MnO2. XRD results showed that during acid treatment the precursor of δ-MnO2 was transformed into α-MnO2, and this in α-MnO2 polymorph kept unchanged in the subsequent processes, as intercalation and polymerization of aniline. Comparison of charge-discharge performances among the precursor, its acid-treated form and the final composite, showed that at current density of 200 mA·g-1 the discharge capacity of the composite was 160.2 mA·g-1, which is close to that of the acid-treated material (160.9 mA·g-1) but higher than that of the precursor (125.8 mA·g-1). More important, the MnO2 /polyaniline composite showed a much better cyclic performance than the precursor and its acid-treated form.
Keywords: MnO2  polyaniline  composites  preparation  electrochemical property
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张启卫,彭小红,黄行康,肖旺钏,王仁章,杨勇.MnO2 /聚苯胺复合材料的制备和性能[J].无机化学学报,2008,24(4):600-604.
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