Catalytic Performance of Pd Catalyst Supported on Zirconium and Yttrium Pillared Montmorillonite
齐灵燕 浙江大学西溪校区催化研究所, 杭州, 310028  
陈敏 浙江大学西溪校区催化研究所, 杭州, 310028 chenmin@zju.edu.cn 
宋萃 浙江大学西溪校区催化研究所, 杭州, 310028  
周仁贤 浙江大学西溪校区催化研究所, 杭州, 310028  
郑小明 浙江大学西溪校区催化研究所, 杭州, 310028  
摘要: 合成了锆钇柱撑蒙脱土(Zr-Y-MMT)载体,并用于丙酮、甲苯和乙酸乙酯的催化氧化.通过XRD、TEM及N2吸附-脱附技术对Zr-Y-MMT载体和负载Pd催化剂(Pd/Zr-Y-MMT)进行了表征.XRD结果显示,经锆钇柱撑后蒙脱土的层间距由1.27nm增大至1.78nm;N2吸脱附结果表明,经锆钇柱撑后,其比表面积有了很大的增加,由62m2·g-1增大至395m2·g-1.活性评价结果发现,Zr-Y-MMT载体比Na-MMT有更好的催化活性,其完全氧化丙酮、甲苯和乙酸乙酯的温度分别为320℃、350℃和290℃.此外,当此载体上负载0.1wt%Pd时,其用于完全氧化甲苯的活性有了明显的改进.
关键词: 柱撑蒙脱土  催化氧化  稀土
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(No.20577042);国家重点基础研究发展973计划项目(No.2004CB719504)资助
Abstract: A montmorillonite support material pillared with zirconium and yttrium(Zr-Y-MMT) was prepared for catalytic oxidation of acetone,toluene and ethyl acetate.The Zr-Y-MMT support and the supported Pd catalyst (Pd/Zr-Y-MMT) were characterized by XRD,TEM and low temperature nitrogen adsorption-desorption techniques. The XRD results indicate that the interlayer spacing of the montmorillonite is increased from 1.27 nm to 1.78 nm after zirconium and yttrium cation pillaring.N2 adsorption-desorption results show that a great increase in BET specific surface area(from 62 to 395 m2·g-1) is found for Na-MMT pillared with zirconium and yttrium.It is also found that Zr-Y-MMT is more active than Na-MMT for the complete oxidation of acetone,toluene and ethyl acetate,and the temperature for the said catalytic oxidation can be lowered to 320℃,350℃ and 290℃, respectively.Moreover,after 0.1wt%Pd was supported on Zr-Y-MMT,the catalytic activity was obviously improved for toluene combustion.
Keywords: pillared montmorillonite  catalytic oxidation  rare earth
投稿时间:2007-11-19 修订日期:2008-01-03
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