Surface Characterization of Calcined Hydrotalcite by Inverse Gas Chromatography
倪哲明 浙江工业大学化学工程与材料学院, 杭州, 310032 jchx@zjut.edu.cn 
邢方方 浙江工业大学化学工程与材料学院, 杭州, 310032  
夏盛杰 浙江工业大学化学工程与材料学院, 杭州, 310032  
潘国祥 浙江工业大学化学工程与材料学院, 杭州, 310032  
张峰 浙江工业大学化学工程与材料学院, 杭州, 310032  
摘要: 用共沉淀法制备的镁铝水滑石(Mg/Al物质的量比为3),经一定温度焙烧后,得到"笼"状结构的复合氧化物,并采用反相气相色谱法(IGC)对复合氧化物和混合氧化物(氧化镁和氧化铝)的表面性质进行了研究.实验测得一系列探针分子在复合氧化物和混合氧化物上的保留时间,可计算出其吸附热力学函数(吸附自由能(ΔG"),吸附焓(ΔH"),吸附熵(ΔS")),表面能色散组分(γSd)及复合氧化物的表面酸碱参数(KA,KD),并探讨了探针分子在复合氧化物上的吸附机理.结果表明,探针分子进入复合氧化物的"笼"状结构后,可以减小温度对探针分子吸附过程的影响.此外,计算出复合氧化物的表面酸碱参数KA=3.21及KD=21.02,定量地表明镁铝复合氧化物是一种两性偏碱的材料.
关键词: 反相气相色谱法  吸附热力学参数  表面酸碱性  复合氧化物
基金项目: 浙江省自然科学基金(No.Y406069)资助项目
Abstract: Magnesium-aluminum hydrotalcite compound with Mg/Al ratio of 3 was synthesized by coprecipitation. Inverse gas chromatography(IGC) was applied to characterize the surface properties of calcined hydrotalcite and the mixture of magnesium oxide and aluminum oxide.The adsorption thermodynamic parameters(free energy of adsorption(ΔG"),the standard enthalpy(ΔH") and entropy(ΔS")),the dispersive component of the surface energy (γSd) and the acid-basic properties of calcined hydrotalcite were estimated by using the retention time of different non-polar and polar probes.Then the adsorbed mechanism of probe adsorbed on calcined hydrotalcite was also studied.The result shows that probes are adsorbed into the structure like "cage" of calcined hydrotalcite,and this structure could protect the adsorption of probes from temperature.In addition,the Lewis acidic number KA is 3.21, and the basic number KD is 21.02,respectively.The results quantitively show that calcined hydrotalcite is amphoteric and predominantlybasic material.
Keywords: inverse gas chromatography  adsorption thermodynamic parameters  acid-base surface characteristics  calcined hydrotalcite
投稿时间:2007-11-12 修订日期:2008-01-04
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