Fabrication of Lotus Effect Coatings
粟常红 山东理工大学材料科学与工程学院材料科学系淄博 255049 
陈庆民 南京大学化学化工学院高分子科学与工程系配位化学国家重点实验室南京 210093 
关键词: 荷叶效应  微米二氧化硅  纳米二氧化硅  接触角  滚动角
Abstract: Composite coatings with lotus effect were fabricated via imbedding micro-silica and then nano-silica. The micro-silica and nano-silica was subsquently fixed on the surface to form hierarchical micro- and nano-structures, and at the same time, the epoxy resin modified by low surface free energy material was coated on the coatings. The staic contact angle of the coatings is as high as 165° and the tilt angle for 6.5 μL water droplet is as low as 2.5°. The coatings show the similar hydrophobic capability and structure to lotus leaves.
Keywords: lotus effect  micro-silica  nano-silica  contact angle  tilt angle
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