Preparation and Catalytic Application of Copper-containing Hydrotalcite-like Compounds
谢鲜梅 太原理工大学化学化工学院太原 030024 
严 凯 太原理工大学化学化工学院太原 030024 
胡秋霞 太原理工大学化学化工学院太原 030024 
宋健玲 太原理工大学化学化工学院太原 030024 
王志忠 太原理工大学化学化工学院太原 030024 
摘要: 利用共沉淀法合成了CuFe二元类水滑石化合物。测定了不同Cu/Fe比混合盐溶液随沉淀剂NaOH与Na2CO3加入,混合盐体系pH值变化情况,详细探讨了不同因素对类水滑石化合物制备的影响,得到了合成铜铁二元类水滑石化合物的适宜条件,制备出晶相单一、结晶度高的类水滑石化合物,并利用XRD、FTIR、TG-DTA对合成物进行表征。将合成的催化剂引入苯甲醛与正丙醇反应生成安息香异丙醚反应中, 苯甲醛转化率为58%,安息香异丙醚选择性接近于100%。
关键词: 铜、铁类水滑石化合物  合成  催化  安息香异丙醚
Abstract: CuFe-Hydrotalcite-like Compounds (CuFe-HTLcs) were synthesized by coprecipitation with Cu(NO3)2·6H2O, Fe(NO3)3·9H2O, NaOH and Na2CO3 solution. The titration curves for different Cu/Fe ratios of mixed salt solution were discussed; the effects of some main factors on preparation of CuFe-HTLcs were studied such as pH values, different ratios of Cu/Fe of mixed solution, temperature and time of hydrothermal treatment. The characterization of samples was carried out by XRD, TG-DTA and FTIR. The synthesis of benzoin isopropyl ether with benzaldehyde and propanol was performed to evaluate their catalytic activities of the material obtained in this work. CuFe-HTLcs(Cu/Fe=2) presented an excellent activity in the synthesis of benzoin isopropyl ether. The highest conversion of benzaldehyde could reach 58%, while the selectivity of benzoin isopropyl ether was nearly 100%.
Keywords: CuFe-HTLcs  preparation  catalysis  benzoin isopropyl ether
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谢鲜梅,严 凯,胡秋霞,宋健玲,王志忠.铜铁二元类水滑石化合物的制备及催化性质研究[J].无机化学学报,2008,24(1):32-36.
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