Synthesis, Crystal Structure and Interaction with DNA of (N,N′-dibenzylethane-1,2-diamine) Copper(Ⅱ)
吴姗姗 海南大学海南省精细化工重点实验室海口 570228 
袁文兵 海南大学海南省精细化工重点实验室海口 570228 
张 岐 海南大学海南省精细化工重点实验室海口 570228 
顾海波 海南大学海南省精细化工重点实验室海口 570228 
郁开北 中国科学院成都分院分析测试中心成都 610041 
关键词: 金属配合物  晶体结构  合成  小牛胸腺DNA
Abstract: A ligand, (N,N′-dibenzylethane-1,2-diamine) (L), and its complex with copper acetate was synthesized and characterized by some spectral analyses. The copper(Ⅱ) ion is six-coordinated and exhibites octahedral coordination geometry, the coordination atoms are four nitrogen atoms from two(L) ligands and two carboxyl oxygen atoms from two acetic acid groups, respectively. After studying the interaction of the complex with calf thymus DNA through UV and fluorescence spectra, we can find that there is a strong binding and a large affinity berween the complex and calf thymus DNA. CCDC: 649416.
Keywords: metal complex  crystal structure  synthesis  calf thymus DNA
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吴姗姗,袁文兵,张 岐,顾海波,郁开北.N,N′-苄基-1,2二胺合铜的合成和晶体结构及与DNA的相互作用(英文)[J].无机化学学报,2007,23(12):2119-2122.
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