Non-isothermal Kinetic Analysis of Thermal Decomposition of CH2(COO)2Cu·2H2O
解凤霞 西北大学化学系西安 710069
西安工程大学环境与化工学院西安 710048 
张逢星 西北大学化学系西安 710069 
李 珺 西北大学化学系西安 710069 
关键词: 丙二酸铜  等转化率法  主曲线法  热分析动力学
Abstract: The thermal dehydration and decomposition kinetics of CH2(COO)2Cu·2H2O were investigated using the non-isothermal method by thermogravimetry (TG) technique in N2. The iterative iso-conversional methods were applied to calculate the activation energy Ea of dehydration and decomposition, and the most probable mechanism function G(α) was determined by means of the master plots method. The pre-exponential factor A was obtained on the basis of Ea and G(α). Kinetic parameters (Ea and lnA) of dehydration were given as: Ea=139.79 kJ·mol-1, ln(A/s-1)=47.38. The mechanism function of the dehydration was G(α)=[-ln(1-α)]2/3, and the decomposition of CH2(COO)2Cu proceeds to completion by two distinct reactions. These two reactions overlap in the transition process (0.45<α<0.65). Kinetic parameters (Ea and lnA )of the first reaction of decomposition were: Ea=201.15 kJ·mol-1, ln(A/s-1)=52.29, and the mechanism function was G(α)=[1-α]-0.37. And in the second reaction G(α)=α+(1-α)ln(1-α), Ea=156.74 kJ·mol-1, ln(A/s-1)=39.58.
Keywords: copper(Ⅱ) malonate  iso-conversional method  master plots method  thermal analysis kinetics
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解凤霞,张逢星,李 珺.CH2(COO)2Cu·2H2O热分解的非等温动力学研究[J].无机化学学报,2007,23(12):2106-2110.
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