Synthesis and Characterization of P Zeolite with Fe3O4 Core
曹吉林 河北工业大学化工学院天津 300130 
付 睿 河北工业大学化工学院天津 300130 
刘秀伍 河北工业大学化工学院天津 300130 
谭朝阳 河北工业大学化工学院天津 300130 
摘要: 为了解决实际应用中微细粉末状沸石产品与所处理溶液难以分离的问题,采用水热法进行磁性P型沸石的制备研究。按照传统P型沸石制备的方法,配制Na2O∶Al2O3∶SiO2∶H2O物质的量的比为3∶1∶2.3∶185料液,室温下先搅拌老化反应3 h,然后加入磁性Fe3O4在95 ℃下静态晶化6 h,合成了一系列包覆Fe3O4的磁性核P型沸石。通过晶化过程中对固相进行XRD、SEM、IR及能谱表征等分析,及对液相组成含量进行测定,探讨了磁性核P型沸石的形成机理。合成的磁性核P型沸石显示良好超顺磁特性,并具有很好的磁稳定性,其磁化率随所包覆Fe3O4量的增加而增大,钙、镁离子离子交换吸附性能随包覆Fe3O4量的增加而有小幅下降,但是仍保持了较高的值。四氧化三铁质量含量为0.176 3%的磁性P型沸石,其钙镁离子的交换吸附量分别为315.6 mg CaCO3·g-1 和86.94 mg MgCO3·g-1
关键词: P型沸石  磁性  四氧化三铁  包覆  吸附
Abstract: In order to solve the difficult problem of powder zeolite separation from solution disposed, study on the synthesis of magnetic P zeolite by hydrothermal method was carried out. According to the conventional methods for P zeolite preparation, the used molar ratio of nNa2OnAl2O3nSiO2nH2O was 3∶1∶2∶185, the mixture was vigorously stirred with a stirrer and aged for 3 h at room temperature. Then magnetic Fe3O4 particles were added and the reaction mixture was crystallized for 6 h at 95 ℃, followed by separating, washing and drying. Finally, a series of magnetic P zeolites with Fe3O4 core were obtained. In the crystallization process, the products were characterized by XRD , SEM, IR,magnetic susceptibility, TG and ion exchange capacity, and the compositions of the solution was also determined. The mechanism of magnetic P zeolite synthesis is suggested. The P zeolite with Fe3O4 core showed a characteristic of superparamagnetism and magnetic stability. The magnetic susceptibility is increased with the Fe3O4 amount coated by P zeolite increasing. Compared with the pure P zeolite, the adsorption capability of Ca2+, Mg2+ on the synthesized magnetic P zeolite decreases slightly, but still maintains at relatively high level. For the magnetic P zeolite with Fe3O4 content 0.176 3%(wt), the exchange amount of Ca2+ and Mg2+ is 315.6 mg CaCO3·g-1 and 86.94 mg MgCO3·g-1, respectively.
Keywords: P zeolite  magnetism  magnetite  adsorption  coating
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曹吉林,付 睿,刘秀伍,谭朝阳.磁性核P型沸石的合成及表征[J].无机化学学报,2007,23(12):2065-2071.
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