Fabrication of Nano-Barium Titanate via Multi-step Reactions
张晓娟 沈阳工业大学石油化工学院辽阳 111003 
唐丽华 沈阳工业大学石油化工学院辽阳 111003 
邱霜阳 中国石油天然气股份有限公司辽阳石化分公司辽阳 111003 
贾长英 沈阳工业大学石油化工学院辽阳 111003 
摘要: 采用醋酸钡、碳酸钾、钛酸丁酯等为初始反应物,通过多步反应的方法,制得了纳米钛酸钡。所得产品采用XRD、TEM和SEM等进行了表征,并对生长机理进行了分析。研究结果表明,得到的碳酸钡为直径约100 nm的纳米棒,再经室温下钛酸丁酯水解产生二氧化钛对碳酸钡纳米棒进行包覆,可得到一维核-壳结构的碳酸钡/二氧化钛,最后于700 ℃下经固相反应而得到钛酸钡的纳米颗粒。这种制备纳米钛酸钡的方法可以有效地控制产品形貌及粒径。
关键词: 钛酸钡  多步反应  一维结构
Abstract: Nano-barium titanate was fabricated by multi-step reactions using barium acetate, potassium carbonate and tetrabutyl titanate as raw materials. The products were characterized by XRD, TEM and SEM, and the formation mechanism of Nano-barium titanate was discussed. Barium carbonate nanorods with an average diameter of about 100 nm were obtained via a surfactant assisted hydrothermal method; then the nanorods were coated with titania by hydrolysis of tetrabutyl titanate to produce a core-shell barium carbonate /titania structure, and finally barium titanate nanoparticles were synthesized by a solid reaction at 700 ℃. The morphology and particle size distribution of nano-barium titanate could be effectively controlled by this developed method.
Keywords: barium titanate  multi-step reactions  one-dimensional structure
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