UV-Vis Spectra of the Porphyrin as Signal Transfer Medium
赵小菁 大连民族学院生物工程研究中心国家民委-教育部重点实验室大连 116605 
刘 佳 大连民族学院生物工程研究中心国家民委-教育部重点实验室大连 116605 
权美娜 大连民族学院生物工程研究中心国家民委-教育部重点实验室大连 116605 
金黎明 大连民族学院生物工程研究中心国家民委-教育部重点实验室大连 116605 
范圣第 大连民族学院生物工程研究中心国家民委-教育部重点实验室大连 116605 
摘要: 合成了6种氨基酸水杨醛席夫碱(Sal-AA):Sal-Gly(甘氨酸)、Sal-Phe(苯丙氨酸)、Sal-Arg(精氨酸)、Sal-Tyr(酪氨酸)、Sal-Met(甲硫氨酸)、Sal-Glu(谷氨酸)及其金属铜配合物。并分别在2种不同介质(三氯甲烷和甲醇)中,与四苯基卟啉TPP进行反应,研究了其紫外可见光谱性质,讨论了卟啉作为人工信号转导体系的传递介质,与氨基酸水杨醛席夫碱铜配合物的反应中,实现信号分子铜离子进一步传递的可能性以及溶剂对该信号传递的影响。结果表明,在三氯甲烷为溶剂时,除了Sal-Met的铜配合物之外,其余均能被TPP夺取而形成Metal TPP。而在以甲醇为溶剂时,只有Sal-Gly的铜配合物能被TPP所夺取。
关键词: 氨基酸水扬醛席夫碱  卟啉  信号传递介质  紫外可见光谱
Abstract: Six amino acid-salicylaldehyde schiff bases(Sal-AA): Sal-Gly, Sal-Phe, Sal-Arg, Sal-Tyr, Sal-Met, Sal-Glu and their copper compounds were synthesized. The tetraphenylporphyrin (TPP) then reacted with the Cu(Sale-AA) in two different solutions (chloroform and methanol), and the UV-Vis spectra of the system were then investigated. The possibility of porphyrin used as a transfer medium of the signal transduction system in this reacting system with the amino acid-salicylaldehyde schiff base copper complexes were discussed for the next transfer of the signal molecule Cu2+ ion and the solvent influence on this system was also studied. The results show that the metal ion in the copper complexes could be despoiled by TPP forming the metal TPP except Cu(Sal-Met) in chloroform, while in methanol, only the ion in the Cu(Sal-Gly) could be despoiled by TPP. These may depend on the polarity of two solvents and the interaction between the compounds.
Keywords: amino acid-salicylaldehyde schiff base  porphyrin  signal transfer medium  UV-Vis spectroscopy
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赵小菁,刘 佳,权美娜,金黎明,范圣第.卟啉作为信号传递介质的紫外可见光谱研究[J].无机化学学报,2007,23(11):1917-1923.
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