Preparation and Performance of Inorganic Proton-conducting Membrane and MEA for H2S Solid Oxide Fuel Cells
钟 理 华南理工大学化工与能源学院广州 510640 
Chuang Karl Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB Canada, T6G 2G6 
摘要: 制备了硫化氢固体氧化物燃料电池的无机质子传导膜和膜-电极-组装(MEA)。用扫描电镜(SEM)和电化学阻抗(EIS)技术表征了无机质子传导膜和MEA的形貌与性能。研究了不同膜厚和掺杂或没有掺杂Li2WO4组分的传导膜和MEA的性能。结果表明,与没有掺杂Li2WO4组分制备的MEA相比,掺杂了Li2WO4组分制备的MEA的电导提高了一个数量级,掺杂了Li2WO4制备的MEA硫化氢燃料电池在操作条件下具有更好的化学稳定性和电化学性能。以Mo-Ni-S为主要成分的复合阳极、0.8 mm厚和组成为67wt% Li2SO4 + 8wt% Li2WO4 + 25wt% Al2O3复合材料制备的质子传导膜、NiO为主要组分的复合阴极构成的MEA硫化氢燃料电池,在650、700和750 ℃时,最大输出功率密度分别达到50、85和130 mW·cm-2,最大电流密度分别为200、350和480 mA·cm-2
关键词: 膜-电极-组装(MEA)  质子传导膜  固体氧化物燃料电池  硫化氢
Abstract: A membrane electrode assembly (MEA) for H2S solid oxide fuel cells with inorganic proton-conducting membranes was prepared. Membrane or MEA has been characterized using scanning electron microscope (SEM) and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). Performances of membrane or MEA having various thicknesses and prepared with or without Li2WO4 component have been investigated. The results show that electrical conductance of MEA prepared with Li2WO4-doped material is one order of magnitude higher than that of MEA prepared without Li2WO4-doped material, and that MEA prepared with Li2WO4-doped material has better chemical stability and electrochemical performance under the operating conditions of a fuel cell using H2S as the fuel in comparison to MEA prepared without Li2WO4-doped material. Maximum power densities of 50, 85 and 130 mW·cm-2 , as well as maximum current densities of 200, 350 and 480 mA·cm-2 for the MEA configuration with a Mo-Ni-S-based composite anode, composite membrane (67wt% Li2SO4 + 8wt% Li2WO4 + 25wt% Al2O3) of 0.8 mm thick and a NiO-based composite cathode were achieved at 650, 700 and 750 ℃, respectively.
Keywords: membrane electrode assembly (MEA)  proton-conducting membrane  solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs)  hydrogen sulfide
摘要点击次数:  2053
全文下载次数:  1940
钟 理,Chuang Karl.硫化氢燃料电池的无机质子传导膜与MEA制备和性能(英文)[J].无机化学学报,2007,23(11):1875-1881.
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