纳米氧化铜的制备及常温脱硫效能研究 |
CuO Nanoparticles: Preparation and Desulfurization Performance at Normal Temperature |
摘要: 采用硝酸铜为原料、氢氧化钠溶液为沉淀剂、使用体积比为1∶1的乙醇-水溶液为分散剂的直接沉淀法制备,通过改变工艺条件得到了三种纳米氧化铜产品,平均粒径分别为25.63,10.74和7.57 nm。采用TG-DTA、FIR、XRD和TEM等对纳米氧化铜进行表征。对产品的常温脱硫活性进行了穿透试验,并与已开发的其他常温精脱硫产品进行了比较,结果表明纳米氧化铜应用于H2S脱硫,可在常温条件下具有优异的脱硫活性,对H2S的脱除精度可以达到0.05 mg·m-3以下。经过优选,产品在3 000 h-1空速下穿透硫容达到25.3%,高于同类型的其他脱硫剂产品。 |
关键词: 纳米氧化铜 常温 精脱硫 脱硫剂 |
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Abstract: CuO nanoparticles were prepared by direct deposition method using copper nitrate as the raw material, sodium hydroxide as the precipitator and a 1∶1 water-ethanol solution as the dispersant. Three kinds of nanoparticles were synthesized by changing the preparation conditions. The average particle size was 25.63, 10.74 and 7.57 nm, respectively. The CuO nanoparticles were characterized by TG-DTA, FTIR, XRD and TEM. The performance of the nanoparticles for H2S desulfurization at ambient temperature was evaluated by the break-through tests. The result was compared with other desulfurization products for desulfurization at ambient temperature. The results show that the CuO nanoparticles have an excellent desulfurization activity. At ambient temperature with a space velocity of 3 000 h-1, the precision for desulfurization was below 0.05 mg·m-3. The optimized product has the break-through sulfur capacity up to 25.3%, which is better than other commercially available desulfurization products. |
Keywords: CuO nanoparticles normal temperature precise desulfurization desulfurizor |
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闫 波,王 新,邵纯红,李 芬,姜安玺.纳米氧化铜的制备及常温脱硫效能研究[J].无机化学学报,2007,23(11):1869-1874. |
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