Preparation and Characterization of Eu3+ or Tb3+ Doped KY2F7 Nanospheres
王 淼 配位化学国家重点实验室南京大学配位化学研究所化学化工学院南京 210093 
黄庆利 配位化学国家重点实验室南京大学配位化学研究所化学化工学院南京 210093 
陈学太 配位化学国家重点实验室南京大学配位化学研究所化学化工学院南京 210093 
摘要: 利用简单的室温液相反应制备了KY2F7及镧系离子掺杂的KY2F7∶Eu3+和KY2F7∶Tb3+的纳米球,并利用XRD,TEM,SEM,XRF和荧光光谱对所制备的材料进行了表征。研究表明Eu3+或Tb3+离子已成功地掺杂在KY2F7纳米球中。掺杂
关键词: 纳米球  稀土氟化物  液相法  掺杂
Abstract: The nanospheres of KY2F7 and the lanthanide doped KY2F7∶Eu3+ and KY2F7∶Tb3+ have been synthesized via a simple solution-based route at room temperature. The as-prepared samples were characterized by XRD, TEM, SEM, XRF and photoluminescence measurements. The results show that the luminescent lanthanide ions Eu3+ or Tb3+ is successfully doped into KY2F7 nanospheres. The resulting doped samples exhibit the characteristic emission peaks of Eu3+ or Tb3+ ion.
Keywords: nanosphere  rare earth fluoride  solution method  doping
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王 淼,黄庆利,陈学太.Eu3+或Tb3+掺杂的KY2F7纳米球的制备与表征(英文)[J].无机化学学报,2007,23(9):1550-1554.
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