Transition Metal Oxide Infiltration Effect on the Performance of LSM-YSZ Cathode
张全生 上海应用技术学院化学工程系上海 200235
武田保雄 日本三重大学工学部分子素材工学科514-8507日本 
关键词: SOFC  LSM-YSZ阴极  过渡金属氧化物  渗透法
Abstract: Transition metal (Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu) oxide was formed in LSM-YSZ cathode by nitrate solution infiltration method. LSM-YSZ/YSZ/LSM-YSZ symmetric cell performance at intermediate temperature range 600~800 ℃ was studied by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). EIS test results showed that the polarization resistances of LSM-YSZ with metal oxide infiltration were much lower than that without metal oxide infiltration, 60%~80% polarization resistance decrease was reached by metal nitrate solution infiltration. The activation energy of oxygen reduction reaction derived from polarization resistance showed that the performance of LSM-YSZ with different metal oxide infiltration has different activation energy decrease, Co nitrate infiltration showed the biggest activation energy decrease. Mn, Fe and Cu nitrate solution infiltrated LSM-YSZ showed good polarization resistance decrease at the tested temperature range.
Keywords: SOFC  LSM-YSZ cathode  transitional metal oxide  infiltration method
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