Abstract: Reaction of [Mn(bpm)2]2+ with K3[Co(CN)5(NO)] produces a cyano-bridged bimetallic compound,{[Mn(bpm)2]1.5[Co(CN)5(NO)]}·2H2O (1), (bpm=bis(1-pyrazol)methane). Compound 1 crystallizes in the tetragonal space group P43212 with a=1.305 08(8) nm, b=1.305 08(8) nm, c=4.386 7(5) nm, V=7.471 5(10) nm3, and Z=8. Complex 1 exhibited a structure of a pentanuclear cluster. The Mn2+ ions each are surrounded by bpm ligands, forming the [Mn(bpm)2]2+ cation fragment. Three cation fragments are connected to the two anion fragments, [Co(CN)5(NO)]3-, by cyanide bridges. The five metal ions form a trigonal bipyramidal structure, where the Mn2+ ions are situated in the equatorial plane and the Co2+ ions are on both sides of the plane. As a semirigid ligand, bpm is more flexible than rigid 2,2′-bipydine, and it results in the two different configurations in the [Mn(bpm)2]2+ cation fragment. CCDC: 635764. |