Tetrapod-shaped ZnO Whiskers: Preparation and Microwave Absorption Behaviors
郭岚 南昌大学分析测试中心南昌 330047 
傅敏恭 南昌大学分析测试中心南昌 330047 
万益群 南昌大学分析测试中心南昌 330047 
钟己未 南昌大学分析测试中心南昌 330047 
关键词: 氧化锌  吸波材料  四针状晶须
Abstract: A new ZnO microwave absorbing material was prepared by the vapor phase oxidation of zinc powder at the presence of cylinder active carbon. The ZnO crystal with three dimensional tetrapod-shaped whiskers has a good absorbing microwave performance in the range of 2 GHz to 18 GHz, moreover, owing to its low density and high specific surface area, it can transform microwave to heat with high efficiency and high speed.
Keywords: zinc oxide  microwave absorbing material  tetrapod-shaped whiskers
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