乙醇 /水混合溶剂沉淀制备纳米BaF2及粒径控制
Synthesis and Size Control for Nanocrystalline Barium Fluoride Powder by Precipitation in Ethanol/Aqueous Mixed Solvents
吕燕飞 浙江大学材料与化工学院杭州 310027
杭州电子科技大学理学院杭州 310018 
吴希俊 浙江大学材料与化工学院杭州 310027 
吴大雄 浙江大学材料与化工学院杭州 310027
青岛科技大学材料科学与工程学院青岛 266042 
摘要: 采用水和乙醇混合溶剂沉淀的方法制备了不同粒径的BaF2纳米粉体。用XRD、TEM和FSEM表征了粉体的粒径和形貌。研究了陈化时间、水和乙醇的体积比对BaF2纳米粉体的粒径和形貌的影响。结果表明,随混合溶剂中乙醇含量升高,沉淀粒径减小。BaF2沉淀粒径的倒数和溶剂介电常数的倒数呈线性关系,据此关系可以控制BaF2纳米粉体的粒径。
关键词: BaF2  纳米粉体  粒径控制  混合溶剂  沉淀
Abstract: The BaF2 nanocrystalline powders with different particle sizes were synthesized by precipitation in the ethanol-water mixed solvents. The particle size and morphology of BaF2 powder were characterized by TEM, FSEM and XRD. The influence of the aging time and the volume ratio of water to ethanol on the particle size and morphology of BaF2 powders were studied. The results indicate that the size of BaF2 powders decreases with increasing volume ratio of ethanol to water of mixed solvents. The particle size of BaF2 nano-powder could be controlled according to the linear relationship between the reciprocal of BaF2 particle size and the reciprocal of dielectric constant of mixed solvents.
Keywords: BaF2  nanocrystalline powder  size control  mixed solvent  precipitation
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吕燕飞,吴希俊,吴大雄.乙醇 /水混合溶剂沉淀制备纳米BaF2及粒径控制[J].无机化学学报,2007,23(7):1174-1178.
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