基于Al6Ge2O13还原制备Ge纳米粒子及其光致发光性能研究 |
Ge Nanoparticles from Al6Ge2O13:Preparation by Reduction and Photoluminescence Properties |
摘要: 以3-三氯锗丙酸和硝酸铝为原料,通过共沉淀法合成了Al6Ge2O13陶瓷粉体,并利用TG-DSC、FTIR、XRD等研究了其形成过程。采用选择还原技术对Al6Ge2O13进行还原处理,还原产物观察到发光峰位于564、611、681、730和774 nm的室温光致发光现象。比较不同温度下还原的样品,发现550 ℃保温3 h还原制备的样品发光强度最强,通过XRD、XPS和Raman光谱研究表明样品在可见和近红外光区的发光是源于平均粒径为1.98 nm且未能形成完整晶格的Ge纳米粒子团簇。 |
关键词: Al6Ge2O13 Ge纳米粒子 光致发光 选择还原 |
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Abstract: Al6Ge2O13 ceramic powder was prepared by co-precipitation method using Al(NO3)3 and Cl3GeCH2CH2COOH as precursors. The mullitization process of precursors was monitored by TG-DSC, FTIR and XRD. After the treatment of Al6Ge2O13 by selective reduction, strong room temperature photoluminescence(PL) could be observed at 564, 611, 681, 730 and 774 nm. The PL intensity was related with the reduction temperature, the sample reduced at 550 ℃ for 3 h had the highest PL intensity among samples reduced at different temperatures. Based on the analysis of XRD, Raman and XPS spectra, it could be concluded that the PL phenomenon is caused by the Ge nanoparticles with the average size of 1.98 nm from the selective reduction. |
Keywords: Al6Ge2O13 Ge nanoparticles photoluminescence selective reduction |
摘要点击次数: 1112 |
全文下载次数: 1728 |
高乐,王皓,王为民,傅正义.基于Al6Ge2O13还原制备Ge纳米粒子及其光致发光性能研究[J].无机化学学报,2007,23(7):1169-1173. |
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