Morphology of MgO Hydration Products under Different Curing Conditions
高培伟 南京航空航天大学土木工程系南京 210016 
吴胜兴 河海大学土木工程学院南京 210098 
林萍华 河海大学土木工程学院南京 210098 
吴中如 河海大学土木工程学院南京 210098 
唐明述 南京工业大学材料学院南京 210009 
关键词: 水镁石  形貌  微观结构  压蒸  养护龄期和温度
Abstract: The morphologies of brucite formed from MgO hydration under different curing conditions were studied. The results showed that there were relations between the morphologies of brucite and its forming conditions. The size of brucite crystals increased with the curing time, and they were fiber-shaped at lower curing temperature and stick-shaped at higher temperature. When MgO was cured in paste with 10 percent cement, the crystal of brucite was fiber-shaped, while cured in paste with 95 percent cement, the crystal was hexaflaggy-shaped, which aggregated and produced some micro-cracks in paste when the curing temperature was increased. At 180 ℃ autoclaving temperature of MgO, the brucite was regular hexaflaggy-shaped crystal; for 216 ℃, it was less irregular. When the paste mixed with 50 percent fly ash, the crystal of brucite was needle-shaped and distributed more evenly, so decreased the deformation and crack of the concrete.
Keywords: brucite  morphology  micro-structure  autoclave  curing time and temperature
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