Nano Mg-Al LDHs: Hydrothermal Synthesis and Microstructural Characterization
王永在 山东理工大学分析测试中心淄博 255049 
关键词: Mg-Al水滑石  纳米晶  水热合成  X-射线全谱拟合法  间层结构
Abstract: Nano Mg-Al LDHs were prepared from precursors of MgO and Al(OH)3 using a hydrothermal method in one step and the microstructural features were characterized by powder XRD and SEM. Crystallite sizes were determined by X-ray whole powder pattern fitting method. Effects of synthesis temperatures and alkalinity on phases formation、crystallinity and crystallite sizes of Mg-Al LDHs were investigated. Crystallite form evolved from thin plates to thick plates as the hydrothermal synthesis temperature increases. Layers of interlayer containing OH- and CO32- were distributed orderly or disorderly depending on the the starting alkalinity of the precursors along the c axis resulting in an interstratified Mg-Al LDHs structure.
Keywords: nano Mg-Al LDHs  hydrothermal synthesis  whole powder XRD pattern fitting  interstratified structure
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