Synthesis, Crystal Structure, and Spectrum Characterization of [Na(DB18C6)(CH3CN)]2W6O19·(CH3CN)2
萨如拉 首都师范大学化学系北京 100037 
鲁晓明 首都师范大学化学系北京 100037 
顾新波 首都师范大学化学系北京 100037 
邓元 首都师范大学化学系北京 100037 
关键词: 冠醚  多酸  超分子化合物  晶体结构
Abstract: A super-molecular complex, [Na(DB18C6)(CH3CN)]2W6O19·(CH3CN)2, was obtained by solvothermal reaction and characterized by IR , 1H NMR, gumbc spectrum single crystal and X-ray diffraction. The compou- nd crystallizes in monoclinic space group P21/c with a=1.185 22(4) nm, b=2.091 51(8) nm, c=1.487 19(5) nm, β=117.467(2)° and Z=2. The complex contains four basic units: Na+, CH3CN, DB18C6 and W6O192-. Sodium ions located in the cavity of dibenzo-18-crown-6 with 6 Na-O bonds and the crown ether-sodium ion complex is supported on the terminal oxygen atoms of the typical Lindqvist isopolyanion W6O192- via the coordinative interactions. W6O192- located between two DB18C6 and led to the formation of the “hamburger” structure. Two isolated CH3CN are included in the complex. The whole title crystal is stabilized by van der waals force. CCDC: 292369.
Keywords: crown ether  polyoxometalates  super-molecular compound  crystal structure
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