Synthesis and Characterization of Carbon Nanotubes with Different Amount of Nitrogen
王利军 上海第二工业大学环境工程系环境功能材料实验室上海 201209 
王景伟 上海第二工业大学环境工程系环境功能材料实验室上海 201209 
李庆华 上海第二工业大学环境工程系环境功能材料实验室上海 201209 
袁昊 上海第二工业大学环境工程系环境功能材料实验室上海 201209 
田震 上海第二工业大学环境工程系环境功能材料实验室上海 201209 
解丽丽 上海第二工业大学环境工程系环境功能材料实验室上海 201209 
李全芝 复旦大学化学系分子催化与创新材料实验室上海 200433 
摘要: 以不同氮含量的有机胺为碳和氮源,用催化方法合成出了不同氮含量的大管径碳纳米管。采用Fe/SBA-15分子筛为催化剂,有机胺经过1 073 K高温裂解得到氮掺杂碳纳米管材料(CNx)。比较了苯、三乙胺、二乙胺、乙二胺四种原料对合成CNx形貌、产率、掺氮量和吸水率的影响;以二乙胺为原料合成出适中的氮碳比(N/C原子比为0.15)和较高产率(2.2 g·(g·cat)-1)的竹节状CNx材料。
关键词: 有机胺  竹节状  氮掺杂  碳纳米管  催化合成
Abstract: Nitrogen-doped, large-inner diameter carbon nanotubes (CNx) with different nitrogen contents were synthesized by catalytic method using organic amines with different nitrogen contents as carbon and nitrogen sources. CNx materials were synthesized with Fe/SBA-15 molecular sieve catalyst at high cracking reaction temperature of 1 073 K. The effects of benzene, triethylamine, diethylamine and ethylene diamine on the shape, yield, N-dopping content and water-adsorption content of CNx were discussed. CNx materials with moderate N/C ratio (0.15) and high yield (2.2 g·(g·cat)-1) were synthesized using diethylamine as the raw material.
Keywords: organic amine  bamboo-shaped  nitrogen-doped  carbon nanotubes  catalytic synthesis
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