Competitive Intercalation of Geometric Isomers of Hydroxybenzoic Acid into [LiAl2(OH)6]Cl·yH2O Layered Double Hydroxides
陆刚 北京化工大学化工资源有效利用国家重点实验室北京 100029 
路艳罗 北京化工大学化工资源有效利用国家重点实验室北京 100029 
卫敏 北京化工大学化工资源有效利用国家重点实验室北京 100029 
杨兰 北京化工大学化工资源有效利用国家重点实验室北京 100029 
李从举 北京服装学院北京市重点实验室北京 100029 
关键词: 水滑石  选择性插层  水杨酸  异构体
Abstract: [LiAl2(OH)6]Cl·yH2O was prepared by co-precipitation. The competitive intercalation of geometric isomers of hydroxybenzoic acid into the interlayer of layered double hydroxides (LDHs) was studied by the reaction of [LiAl2(OH)6]Cl·yH2O with various mixtures of o-hydroxybenzoic acid, m-hydroxybenzoic acid and p-hydroxybenzoic acid. Powder X-ray diffraction (XRD) results confirmed the intercalation of the isomers, and high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) was used for the quantitative study. The order of the preferential intercalation of the three isomers was found to be: o-hydroxybenzoic acid (1,2-C7H6O3) >> p-hydroxybenzoic acid (1,4-C7H6O3) > m-hydroxybenzoic acid (1,3-C7H6O3).
Keywords: layered double hydroxides  competitive intercalation  hydroxybenzoic acids  geometric isomers
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