Characterization and Dielectric Properties of Single-phase Ba2Ti9O20 Prepared by Citric Acid Gel Method
张启龙 浙江大学纳米科学与技术中心杭州 310027 
杨辉 浙江大学纳米科学与技术中心杭州 310027 
王伟 浙江大学纳米科学与技术中心杭州 310027 
摘要: 采用柠檬酸凝胶法两步热处理工艺制备了单相Ba2Ti9O20。干凝胶在750 ℃热处理得到了物相为BaTi5O11和Ba4Ti13O30、尺寸为30~50 nm的前驱体粉体。纳米前驱体具有高表面活性,促使单相Ba2Ti9O20在1 200 ℃热处理温度下形成。两步热处理所得的粉体比一步热处理所得的粉体具有更好的烧结和介电特性,两步热处理所得的粉体,在1 250 ℃烧结4 h,可获得理论密度为97%的Ba2Ti9O20微波介质陶瓷,其介电性能:εr=38.5,Qf=19 320 GHz,τf=8.7×10-6-1
关键词: 柠檬酸凝胶法  Ba2Ti9O20陶瓷  介电性能
Abstract: Single-phase Ba2Ti9O20 was prepared by citric acid gel method with two-step heat-treatment. Nanocrystalline precursor powders including BaTi5O11 and Ba4Ti13O30 of 30~50 nm were prepared by heat-treating xerogel at 750 ℃. Due to the higher surface activity of nanocrystalline precursor powder, the single-phase Ba2Ti9O20 can be obtained when heat treating the precursor at 1 200 ℃. The powder thus prepared had improved sintering characteristics and dielectric properties compared to those prepared by one-step heat-treatment method. When sintering the powder from two-step heat-treatment method at 1 250 ℃ for 4 h, the 97% theoretical density (TD) Ba2Ti9O20 could be obtained with dielectric properties of εr=38.5, Qf=19 320 GHz, and τf=8.7×10-6-1.
Keywords: citric acid gel method  Ba2Ti9O20 ceramics  dielectric properties
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