Synthesis and Characterization of SnO2-polyaniline Composite as Anode for Lithium Ion Batteries
何则强 吉首大学化学化工学院吉首 416000
中南大学化学化工学院长沙 410083 
刘文萍 吉首大学化学化工学院吉首 416000 
熊利芝 吉首大学化学化工学院吉首 416000
中南大学化学化工学院长沙 410083 
舒晖 中南大学化学化工学院长沙 410083 
吴显明 吉首大学化学化工学院吉首 416000 
陈上 吉首大学化学化工学院吉首 416000 
黄可龙 中南大学化学化工学院长沙 410083 
摘要: 以苯胺、过硫酸铵和SnO2为原料通过微乳液聚合法合成了SnO2-聚苯胺的复合材料,并通过X-射线衍射、红外吸收光谱、扫描电镜和电化学测试等手段对所得复合材料进行了表征与分析。结果表明,复合材料中的聚苯胺是无定形的,聚苯胺在反应过程中沉积在SnO2颗粒上形成SnO2被聚苯胺包裹的复合材料。电化学测试说明,该复合材料的首次容量达到657.6 mAh·g-1,经过80次循环后每次循环的容量衰减率仅为0.092%。
关键词: SnO2  聚苯胺  锂离子电池  微乳液聚合法
Abstract: The SnO2-polyaniline (SnO2-PAn) composite was prepared by microemulsion polymerization method using aniline, ammonium peroxodisulfate and SnO2 as starting materials. The SnO2-PAn was confirmed by IR, XRD, SEM and electrochemical tests.Results show that PAn in the composites is amorphous. The PAn formed in the reaction is deposited preferentially on the SnO2 particles giving a SnO2-PAn composite,in which the SnO2 is coated with the PAn. SnO2-PAn composite shares reversible capacity of 657.6 mAh·g-1 and the capacity loss per cycle is only 0.092% after 80 cycles.
Keywords: SnO2  polyaniline  lithium ion battery  microemulsion polymerization method
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