Preparation and Characterization of Zr Pillared Montmorillonite Supported Ce and Cu-Ce Catalysts
范利萍 浙江大学催化研究所西溪校区杭州 310028 
陈敏 浙江大学催化研究所西溪校区杭州 310028 
邵杰 浙江教育学院化学系杭州 310012 
周仁贤 浙江大学催化研究所西溪校区杭州 310028 
郑小明 浙江大学催化研究所西溪校区杭州 310028 
关键词: Ce  Cu-Ce共助  VOCs  催化氧化  锆柱撑蒙脱土
Abstract: The Zr-pillaraed montmorillonite supported Ce and Cu-Ce catalysts were prepared by impregnation method. The performance of the catalysts was evaluated via the catalytic oxidation of volatile organic compounds (acetone, ethyl acetate, and toluene). The results showed that after supporting with Ce and Cu-Ce, the catalysts had a better reducibility. Moreover, the surface areas of the samples were increased. In addition,it was found that the Zr-pillared montmorillonite supported Cu-Ce catalysts had a higher activity and the reaction temperature decreased by 150~200 ℃ compared with the sample without Cu-Ce modification.
Keywords: Ce  Cu-Ce  VOCs  catalyst oxidation  Zr-pillared montmorillonite
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