Preparation and Electrochemical Properties of Li4Ti5O12-C Composite as Anode for Lithium Ion Batteries
何则强 吉首大学化学化工学院吉首 416000中南大学化学化工学院长沙 410083 
刘文萍 吉首大学化学化工学院吉首 416000 
熊利芝 吉首大学化学化工学院吉首 416000 
陈上 吉首大学化学化工学院吉首 416000 
吴显明 吉首大学化学化工学院吉首 416000 
樊绍兵 吉首大学化学化工学院吉首 416000 
关键词: 锂离子电池  Li4Ti5O12  负极  溶胶-凝胶法
Abstract: Li4Ti5O12-C composite was prepared by sol-gel method using ethyl alcohol as solvent, lithium acetate and tetrabutyl titanate as raw materials, and graphite as carbon source. Li4Ti5O12-C composites were characterized by thermogravimertric(TG) analysis and differential thermal analysis(DTA), X-ray diffraction(XRD), Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and electrochemical tests. Results show that Li4Ti5O12-C composite with 5% carbon containing can be obtained by annealing the precursor at 600 ℃ for 6 h in N2 atomsphere. The composites can deliver a specific capacity of 167.1 mAh·g-1, 99.0% and 105.1% of the capacity can be retained after discharged for 80 times at 0.1C and 2.0C, respectively. Compared with pure Li4Ti5O12, Li4Ti5O12-C composite shares larger discharge capacity, better cyclability and rate performance.
Keywords: lithium ion batteries  Li4Ti5O12  anode  sol-gel method
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