Synthesis, Crystal Structure and Properties of a 2D Coordination Polymer: [Cd(C4O4)(C12N2H8)(H2O)]n
陆艳春 南开大学化学系天津 300071 
安长学 南开大学化学系天津 300071 
张智慧 南开大学化学系天津 300071 
杨红 南开大学化学系天津 300071 
高宏 南开大学化学系天津 300071 
李秀荣 南开大学化学系天津 300071 
摘要: 本文采用邻菲罗啉和方酸为配体,在水热条件下通过自组装合成了具有二维网状结构的配位聚合物[Cd(C4O4)(C12N2H8)(H2O)]n,并应用X-光衍射技术测定了其单晶结构。结果表明:Cd原子与2个邻菲罗啉氮原子、3个方酸氧和1个水分子配位,生成了六配位扭曲八面体。方酸以少见的μ-1,2,3配位模式桥联3个中心金属离子,并进一步组装成二维网状配位聚合物。对配位聚合物的光学性能及热稳定性做了进一步的研究,实验结果表明:配位聚合物是具有良好热稳定性的强荧光材料,具有潜在的应用前景。
关键词: 镉(II)配位聚合物  方酸  邻菲罗啉  晶体结构  热稳定性  荧光
Abstract: The 2D network coordination polymer of Cd with 1,10-phen and squaric acid, [Cd(C4O4)(C12N2H8)(H2O)]n, has been synthesized by the hydrothermal method through self-assembling, and it′s molecular structure has been characterized by X-ray single-crystal structure analysis. The results show that Cd(II) is in six-coordinated distortered octahedron environment containing two Nphen, three Osquarate and one Oaqua. The square bridging links three metal centers through a novel μ-1,2,3 coordination model, and which is further assembled into 2D network coordination polymer. The fluorescence at solid state and the thermal stability of the title complex have been studied. The coordination polymer presents a good fluorescent property and thermal stable property, and has potential application prospects. CCDC: 285037.
Keywords: Cd(II) polymer  squaric acid  1,10-phen  crystal structure  thermo gravimetric analysis  fluorescent
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