Control Synthesis of Spherical and Rod-like Barium Strontium Titanate Nanoparticles in W/O Microemulsion
朱启安 湘潭大学化学学院湘潭 411105 
孙旭峰 湘潭大学化学学院湘潭 411105 
陈万平 湘潭大学化学学院湘潭 411105 
胡耐根 新余高等专科学校数理系新余 338031 
张琪 湘潭大学化学学院湘潭 411105 
关键词: 水/油微乳液  钛酸锶钡  纳米棒
Abstract: Barium strontium titanate nanoparticles with spherical and rod-like morphologies were synthesized in water/Triton X-100/n-hexanol/cyclohexane quaternary reverse microemulsion solution. The influences of the molar ratio of water to surfactant (ω0) and the concentration of reactants on the morphology and size of barium strontium titanate nanoparticles were studied. The structure, compositions and morphology of the prepared products were characterized by XRD, SAED, ICP, EDS and TEM. The results show that the obtained Ba0.7Sr0.3TiO3 spherical nanoparticles with diameters of 20~100 nm and the Ba0.7Sr0.3TiO3 nanorods with diameters of 70~120 nm and lengths up to 600~800 nm are a single crystal, with a cubic phase. The molar ratio for barium, strontium and titanate in products is about 0.7:0.3:1.
Keywords: W/O microemulsion  barium strontium titanate  nanorods
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