Hydrothermal Synthesis, Composition and Morphology of Crystalline Neodymium Carbonate
吴燕利 南昌大学稀土与微纳功能材料研究中心南昌 330047
江西省有机功能分子重点实验室江西科技师范学院南昌 330013 
孙伟丽 南昌大学稀土与微纳功能材料研究中心南昌 330047 
冯晓平 南昌大学稀土与微纳功能材料研究中心南昌 330047 
徐欣 南昌大学稀土与微纳功能材料研究中心南昌 330047 
李永绣 南昌大学稀土与微纳功能材料研究中心南昌 330047 
关键词: 水热结晶  碳酸钕  碱式碳酸钕
Abstract: Crystalline neodymium carbonates were prepared by treating the amorphous precipitate formed from the reaction between neodymium chloride and ammonium bicarbonate under hydrothermal condition. Their composition, morphology and crystal phase were identified by means of elemental analysis, SEM and XRD. It was found that Nd2(CO3)3·2.5H2O with tengerite-type structure and sheet morphology was obtained when the feed molar ratio(FMR=n(NH4)2CO2/nNdCl3)was 2 or 1.8 and hydrothermally treated at 150 ℃ for 12h. However, orthogonal NdOHCO3 particles agglomerated with long rod crystals were formed when lowering FMR to 1.5 under the same hydrothermal condition. Phase transformation from tengerite-type Nd2(CO3)3·2.5H2O to orthogonal NdOHCO3 was occurred when increasing hydrothermal temperature or prolonging hydrothermal time, which is beneficial to the preparation of neodymium hydroxyl-carbonate with neodymium oxide content higher than 70%.
Keywords: hydrothermal crystallization  neodymium carbonate  neodymium hydroxyl-carbonate
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