Electrochemical Performance of Tin-copper Alloy Negative Materials
成月 福建师范大学化学与材料学院福州 350007 
童庆松 福建师范大学化学与材料学院福州 350007 
施继承 福建师范大学化学与材料学院福州 350007 
程林 福建师范大学化学与材料学院福州 350007 
黄熠 福建师范大学化学与材料学院福州 350007 
郑立群 福建师范大学化学与材料学院福州 350007 
摘要: 将碱性镀液中制备的锡-铜膜在不同温度下烧结,制得几种锡铜合金负极材料。研究表明,在200 ℃烧结的锡铜合金具有单斜Cu6Sn5(C2/c空间群)型结构,晶胞体积大。在充放电过程中结构稳定。在0.03~2.0 V电压区间,该样品第1循环的放电容量为503 mAh·g-1,40次循环的容量衰减率为33%。随着充放电循环的进行,放电电压平台略有升高。电荷传递阻抗是控制样品放电过程的主要因素。原子力显微图像表明,样品的表面是由高120 nm、直径20~50 nm的圆柱状颗粒组成。
关键词: 碱性溶液  锂离子电池  锡铜合金  负极材料
Abstract: By sintering the tin-copper films electroplated from an alkaline solution under different temperatures, several kinds of the tin-copper alloy negative electrodes were prepared. The results show that the tin-copper alloy sintered at 200 ℃ with a monoclinic structure of Cu6Sn5 (Space group: C2/c) exhibits large crystal cell and stable structure during the charge-discharge cycles. The sample exhibits a discharge capacity of 503 mAh·g-1 in the 1st cycle and the capacity fade rate is 33% after 40 cycles in the voltage region of 0.03 to 2.0 V. The voltage on the discharge platform is gradually raised during the charge-discharge cycles. The charge transfer impedance is a main factor to control discharge process. The atom force microscope image shows that the sample particles are cylinder with a height around 120 nm and a diameter around 20 to 50 nm.
Keywords: alkaline solution  lithium ions batteries  tin-copper alloy  negative material
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