Gelatin-based Porous Carbon Beads: Preparation and Application as Electrodes in Super-capacitors
慈颖 中国科学院理化技术研究所北京 100080
中国科学院研究生院,北京 100049 
葛军 中国科学院理化技术研究所北京 100080
中国科学院研究生院,北京 100049 
王小峰 中国科学院理化技术研究所北京 100080 
陈文浩 中国科学院理化技术研究所北京 100080 
郭燕川 中国科学院理化技术研究所北京 100080 
陈丽娟 中国科学院理化技术研究所北京 100080 
关键词: 明胶基多孔碳球  活化温度  超级电容器  性能
Abstract: Gelatin-based porous carbon beads have been fabricated from gelatin micro-spheres by means of solidification, carbonization and chemical activation with KOH. The physical properties of gelatin-based porous carbon beads were studied by a t-plot method based on N2 adsorption isotherms. The gelatin-based porous carbon beads activated at 800 ℃ exhibited the largest specific surface area and resulted in the highest capacitance. Carbon/carbon super-capacitors cells assembled with the electrode materials in 1.0 mol·L-1 NEt4BF4 / acetonitrile electrolyte have also been studied. The electrochemical properties of gelatin-based porous carbon beads electrode were studied by using constant-current discharge tests. The results indicate that the gelatin-based porous carbon beads electrode is with good cycling stability and specific capacitance of 119.8 F·g-1.
Keywords: gelatin-based carbon beads  activation temperature  super-capacitor  properties
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