Preparation of Nano-PbO from Ethoxy-lead Complex
朱传高 淮南师范学院化学系淮南 232001 
王凤武 淮南师范学院化学系淮南 232001 
褚道葆 安徽师范大学有机化学研究所芜湖 241000 
关键词: 电解  乙氧基铅配合物  溶胶-凝胶  纳米PbO
Abstract: Lead complex was directly synthesized by electrochemical dissolution of lead in a cell without separating the cathode and anode. The product was characterized by FTIR, Raman spectra and 1H NMR. The xerogel was prepared by a direct sol-gel of the electrolyte solution and then dryness of it. The xerogel was heated at 450 ℃ for 2 h to obtain the nano-PbO powder. FTIR, XRD, and TEM were used to investigate the structure of nano-PbO. The results show that the lead complex is Pb(OEt)2(acac)2, which contains acac- group and could prevent the precursor from hydrolysis and sintering during the calcinations process. The nano-PbO of 20~30 nm was thus obtained in a high purity by drying at 450 ℃.
Keywords: electrolysis  ethoxy-lead complexes  Sol-gel, Nano-PbO
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